Customer stories

Learn more about our customers and why they choose CaseworkER to manage their HR cases.
Customer Stories Filter
October 2023
Copart UK
Establishing seamless HR case management with Copart

Copart wanted to streamline its case management process, drive efficiencies and ensure compliance with its HR policies and ethical practises. Having previously used spreadsheets, the team found the process to be too manual and it slowed down the pace at which cases could be managed

CUSTOMER STORIES: Health and care
April 2023
Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust
Enhancing HR case management at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

As a forward-thinking and dynamic department, the Employee Relations (ER) team at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals wanted to modernise its existing case management solution and utilise a more flexible approach to managing and tracking ER cases.

CUSTOMER STORIES: Health and care
May 2023
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Giving Royal Papworth Hospital a modern approach to HR case management

The Human Resources team at Royal Papworth previously managed their HR cases using spreadsheets. Over time it became clear that this approach was not meeting their needs.