The top five signs now’s the time to think about an upgrade

Conformity Software’s Head of Sales, Ben Western highlights his top five signs that now is the time to think of upgrading your HR case management system.

Improving efficiency, transparency and policy compliance are a must when it comes to managing HR cases. But not all solutions deliver these fundamentals, meaning many organisations find it a challenge to stay on top of a demanding employee relations case load. The right HR case management system provider can help organisation’s stay in control of deadlines, streamline workflows and provide a better HR service for the workforce. But how do you know when it’s time to upgrade your current system? Below are five signs it maybe the right time………

  1. Outdated look and feel

Some HR case management systems, especially if they are not upgraded for some time, can feel outdated, basic and some features which should be classed as essential may not even be there. You may be paying yearly licence fees (like the SAAS model), but not receiving the development or service you’d expect. If you think you’re paying too much for what you receive, you probably are.

A modern system can provide features such as graphical dashboards, department drill downs, integrated case hearing packs, bulk case creation and HR enquiry management all of which can save your organisation money while improving the service provided to your workforce. Modern software, passionate & exceptional service and functionality rich should be on your mandatory list of requirements when looking for a new provider.

  1. Lock and key

Data security is critical for any organisation. Data encryption, multi-factor authentication, SSO (single sign on), data security certifications are all good practice for ensuring data security across your organisation. If you don’t have these with your existing system provider, you may want to look at alternatives sooner rather later, you don’t want to expose your organisation to a data breach!

  1. Controlling deadlines

Missing key timelines on a case is not only bad for the employee experience but can expose your organisation to risk by ending up at an employment tribunal. Modern HR case management software can provide automated daily digest email snapshots of your dashboard, to both HR caseworkers and managers providing complete transparency and visibility – everyday.

  1. Manual vs Automated

Manual processes like data entry, creating files, uploading documents, creating hearing packs and struggling to report all take time and can be prone to human error. Modern HR case management software can automate many of these processes and improve accuracy, freeing up your team’s time to focus on the workforce.

  1. Not providing an elevated service

Finally, if your current HR case management system is making it difficult to provide a good service, it’s time to upgrade. Whether it be logging interactions for informal resolution (and therefore reducing formal case load) or integration into third party products such business intelligence systems, these should be on the requirement list.

A modern HR case management system can help you elevate your service, streamline and provide complete case assurance, maybe it’s time for an upgrade.

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