Top five takeaways from the PPMA

Following our attendance at the PPMA annual conference and exhibition in April, we share the top five takeaways from conversations with delegates around why they were looking at implementing an HR case management system.

  1. Currently use spreadsheets
    There is little surprise that the majority of delegates cited using spreadsheets as their ‘system’ for logging and tracking HR cases. By a delegate’s own admission, spreadsheets for case management “just don’t work”. Spreadsheets rely on all users entering information consistently and having to remember to update the case information.

  1. Existing case management supplier not enhancing their system frequently
    A number of delegates mentioned their current HR case management system provider was not evolving or no longer met their requirements, their requirements have evolved but the technology hasn’t. Technology evolves at pace (or at least it should do) and all system providers should have a defined roadmap along with end users actually seeing the deliverables and benefits that innovation brings.

  1. Challenges with reporting
    Reporting was mentioned numerous times as being a regular challenge. Often, just being able to run a basic report like the number of cases open by policy type was time consuming. This was often due to the information being held in spreadsheets (which are inherently poor in data validation and enforced consistency), requiring the information to be cleansed each time reports are run. Because of this, delegates weren’t keen on running any more reports than the bare minimum.

  1. Looking to centralise case management especially with hybrid working
    With delegates still working at home or a hybrid of home and office, the need for having a centralised system was deemed to be an important reason for exploring a HR case management system. Working on individual local spreadsheets, storing information on email or individual network folders making it inaccessible to the wider team are just a few of the pitfalls of not having a centralised cloud-based HR case management system.

  1. Empowering line managers to be more hands on
    A smaller group of delegates wanted to explore using a case management system to devolve more case management work to local line managers so that HR becomes more strategic and less hands on with the routine case. Local line managers are often closer to the issue being managed and therefore better placed, with HR to provide the specialist guidance and assistance when needed.

If you would like to find out more about CaseworkER and the benefits it can deliver for your organisation please contact us here.

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