Which user model approach works for you?

A flexible approach to how you can manage your HR cases.

Following Conformity’s attendance at the CIPD earlier this month we noticed from talking to delegates that there is an increasing appetite to introduce change in their approach to how they manage their HR casework.

A lot of organisations typically follow the more traditional HR centric model of recording, managing and resolving cases but it was noticed change was being discussed towards a hybrid approach where line managers handle the informal stages without involving HR at all and in quite a few instances the full devolvement of HR case work to line managers, with HR only acting in an advisory role where needed or maybe more complex cases requiring guidance. A few recurring reasons were given for this change in approach:

  • HR are often being pulled into relatively non-serious matters taking up valuable time that are best managed by line managers locally
  • Line managers are often closer to the issue and can broker a solution without the need to formalise a case

That said a few caveats were mentioned from delegates for both the hybrid approach and full devolvement:

  • HR would like to continue to have an oversight of cases within their business areas so that they could be close enough to know what is going on and ensuring cases are being managed correctly following due process, but not be involved day-to-day
  • Those who were more cautious about moving from the HR centric model weren’t against changing but needed time to bring about change in upskilling their managers to be able to manage cases effectively, confidently and safely

Conformity’s CaseworkER allows organisations to choose their approach in how cases are managed; HR centric, hybrid devolvement or full devolvement, with HR having the ability to continue to overview cases in the latter two options. CaseworkER future proofs the organisations approach, not only with the polices being easy to change (by those who have access to make changes) but also with how cases are updated and by who.  

To learn more about how CaseworkER can be deployed in your organisation please contact us and we will be in touch.

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